Thursday, July 16, 2009

Help Me Plan My Life

I've been spending a lot of time doing some soul searching, trying to figure out some career goals. I applied for graduation April 2010, and I'm very excited for moving on to the next phase of my life and whatever that will bring; however, I'm also nervous because I don't know what I'm doing. I've been reading this book by Tim Lemire called I'm an English Major--Now What? I got it on Amazon for five bucks, and it has actually been pretty helpful in the narrowing down process. I don't think most people realize how versatile an English degree is, but I won't bore you with that right now. What I ask of you now is a favor (this is actually one of Lemire's suggestions): If you find a moment to spare, please leave a comment on this post telling me one or two things you think I'm good at and one or two of my best character traits. If you can, please also tell me why you chose those things. Thank you so much for your help!


Laura said...

You know what I think. I really believe you'll succeed at anything you choose to do. It'll take work -duh- but you'll do well.

1. Your independence is a good, strong trait BUT I think you need to learn to be less independent and more independent in certain situations. Pick your fights sort of thing. You'll become more approachable.

2. Creativity and appreciation for the arts and music. People appreciate your opinion on those topics because you know your stuff. You only need to have one thing in common with a person to really become great friends - everyone loves music and creativity.

Megan said...

Thanks, Laura. You know you are my life coach. I guess I could have just walked down the hall and and asked you, but at least now I have your opinion in writing.

Laura said...

Ain't no thang. I hope you find what you're looking for so you can make confident choices in the near future. Don't be scared to "fail" a few times either. You'll never really fail unless you forget or ignore the importance of the lesson/experience.

Beth Adams said...

I agree with Laura about being approachable. One thing I have noticed is that people will talk with you and feel comfortable asking for your advice, not just with music, but when they have decisions to make. I think you are good at "cutting to the chase" and telling it like it is. You have learned not to be too blunt about it so that feelings don't get hurt. That is a good thing.

You give a feeling of confidence and a willingness to push ahead that makes others trust you. Also you are pretty level headed about some things. You have been spontainious as well, and some of that spontanaity (sp) is good, it's the balace that everyone has to work out.

You will do well, just remember the human factor. In general, it's easy to get involved in what you are doing and not look up every once in awhile to see how your actions are effecting others. There are many lives you can make a difference in, including your own.


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