I began the day feeling proud of myself for sticking to my "New Way of Life" schedule. I actually woke up at seven o'clock and went to the gym before class today. I'll pause now to give myself a pat on the back.
My first class was Rhetorical Studies, which sounds like it's going to be a lot like Advanced Research and Literary Analysis, except I'll be creating a magazine instead of a literary journal, and my articles get to be a lot shorter. I sat in quiet contentment as the rest of the class squirmed in their seats and asked nervous questions. "I totally got this," I thought to myself. "One research paper and seven 500 word articles? Piece of cake after last semester."
There's no way it can be more difficult anyway.
Last night, I got an email about i-Comm, a practicum program that offers "real world" experience for people interested in Broadcasting, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, etc. The email specifically mentioned copy editors, and since I'm considering an editing career, I thought I'd check out the class today. So now I'm officially an i-Comm copy editor for The Scroll, and I'm actually pretty excited for it. I only have to put in three to five hours of work per week besides class time, and I can do it whenever I have the time. Tomorrow I'm going to the i-Comm office to be trained. I can also write articles for The Scroll, which I think I will, mostly so I can say I've been published on my resume, but also just for the heck of it. I might as well try it out while I can. I kind of wish I would have known about this sooner. Oh, well. I'm doing it now!
Look at me! I'm on my way to success!