Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Beginning of the End: A New Way of Life

Today is the first day of my last semester at BYU-Idaho, and I feel great. I'm ashamed to admit I was feeling rather pessimistic about coming back to school after Christmas, but now that I'm here, I'm actually looking forward to it. I've set some new goals for the year, and (thanks to Natalie) I'm calling them my "New Way of Life." I have some significant changes I want to make that will hopefully contribute a healthier, happier me.

I began the day feeling proud of myself for sticking to my "New Way of Life" schedule. I actually woke up at seven o'clock and went to the gym before class today. I'll pause now to give myself a pat on the back.


My first class was Rhetorical Studies, which sounds like it's going to be a lot like Advanced Research and Literary Analysis, except I'll be creating a magazine instead of a literary journal, and my articles get to be a lot shorter. I sat in quiet contentment as the rest of the class squirmed in their seats and asked nervous questions. "I totally got this," I thought to myself. "One research paper and seven 500 word articles? Piece of cake after last semester."

There's no way it can be more difficult anyway.

Last night, I got an email about i-Comm, a practicum program that offers "real world" experience for people interested in Broadcasting, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, etc. The email specifically mentioned copy editors, and since I'm considering an editing career, I thought I'd check out the class today. So now I'm officially an i-Comm copy editor for The Scroll, and I'm actually pretty excited for it. I only have to put in three to five hours of work per week besides class time, and I can do it whenever I have the time. Tomorrow I'm going to the i-Comm office to be trained. I can also write articles for The Scroll, which I think I will, mostly so I can say I've been published on my resume, but also just for the heck of it. I might as well try it out while I can. I kind of wish I would have known about this sooner. Oh, well. I'm doing it now!

Look at me! I'm on my way to success!


Danielle said...

I kind of wanted to do the I-comm thing as well but I don't think I have space for it :( Maybe I can just write something for the scroll.

Megan said...

You have class at 3:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Because other then that, you can just go in whenever you're available.


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