Friday, January 30, 2009

Donde esta la fiesta?

Our first ward social of the semester had a fiesta theme, so all the Family Home Evening groups made pinatas to bring to the activity. We made a mouse--and when I say "we," I mean I watched everyone do the paper mache and my roommate, Kristen, painted it. We were very proud of our creation and happily carried it to the Hinckley building only to discover that we had somehow missed the memo telling everyone to fill their pinatas prior to the fiesta. My roommates and I were sitting around a table, now slightly embarrassed by our empty mouse. Desperate, Natalie and Kristen began filling the pinata with the shredded cheese that was in the center of our table, it being somewhat ironic that the only thing we had to fill our mouse pinata with was cheese. We all dug around in our purses to see if there was anything else we could contribute and ended up with a meager, but entertaining collection to add to the cheese: a tiny green alien, an orange cream saver, a piece of gum, and eight pennies.

Most of us left before the distruction of our pinata, but Diana stayed and later relayed the event to us. Apparently, our FHE brother, Robert, who knew what was inside the pinata, had the priviledge of busting it open. Cheese flew everywhere, and a poor girl was hit in the head with a penny. Sweet.

1 comment:

Beth Adams said...

I am STILL laughing!!! I only wish it wasn't one in the morning so I could have your dad read the post. That is HILARIOUS! I would have left early too but I'm glad you got a report back. I think the cheese was perfect!!!


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