Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm a Star!

I am tired. The semester ended last Friday. I started classes for the British Literary Tour on Monday. I am on campus from nine to four everyday. No break for me. I am tired.

But I have good news! I have been working by butt off to raise my GPA, which was a 3.8 for the winter semester, bringing my cumulative GPA up to a 3.3! If I keep up the pace, I will graduate with a 3.5 or 3.6. Hooray for making up for slacking the first 3 years of college! The only problem is the toll it takes on the social life. The other good news is I leave for Ireland in a week and a half, and I really cannot wait even though the teachers are really frustrating with their lack of instruction, but I can handle it. I'm going to Europe!

One of the questions I have come to dread is any that deals with my post-graduation plans. I realize it is a fairly common and reasonable question, and I hold no grudge, I just don't know what I am going to do. BYU-Idaho offers internship expeditions in different cities around the country. From what I understand, they take students to different companies and hook them up with internships that deal with their respective majors. There is an expedition going to New York in the fall, so I think I might sign up for that, and maybe I'll be able to find a sweet job with a magazine or publishing company or something. Or maybe not. We'll see what I can do.

Sorry for the boring post. I'm tired. It is raining here and all the worms have wriggled out of the ground to perish on the sidewalk. The soles of my chucks are covered in worm guts.

For your viewing entertainment, here is my final project for my fiction into film class. Good thing we weren't graded on our filming skills.


Lifeless Lessons said...

Oh how I love Mr. Darcy!!

All I have to say is thank goodness that i don't have to worry about post-graduation plans quite yet. I think it'll be about four more years ha.

Mallorie said...

I'm so jealous you are going to Europe! Have lots of fun! I always said I was going to Europe befor I had kids...whops! Missed that one.


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