Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hooray, December!

Well, I made it through National Blog Posting Month, so now I don't have to worry about posting every day anymore, which is fine because most of my posts probably went unread anyway. And I didn't win any of the prizes, so I will probably never do that again. I'm not creative enough to post daily. Mostly, I just had to finish it because I started it.  Goodbye, NaBloPoMo! Goodbye forever!

I started Weight Watchers yesterday. I know I'm not fat. My roommate Natalie is doing it, and I have this terrible habit of eating everything in sight while I'm procrastinating homework. I'm hoping Weight Watchers will help me control my appetite enough so I can make it through a year of school without gaining weight. If you don't know how it works, it actually makes a lot of sense. Everything you eat is assigned a number of points based on its calorie, fiber, and fat content. You are alloted a certain amount of points each day. So you can eat what ever you want as long as you don't go over your points. And whatever points you don't use during the week, you can use to reward yourself with a tasty treat on the weekend. I realize it's only been a couple days, but I like that I don't feel like I'm making a huge change. I think I am just more conscious of portion sizes. For instance, I eat a normal serving of mac and cheese rather than devour half the box. Also, since I've committed myself, I don't crave an entire pan of brownies, which happens more often than you would think. It's funny how it just took a few numbers to help me control my appetite.

By the way, most of you said you would not date someone with baby hands. You're all shallow, and so am I.

Now to finish that ten-page research paper...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I didn't know there were PRIZES!!!

I did weight watchers ages ago, like... 8 years ago. Bloody hell, I'm getting old. Um and it worked really well for me. You should scan and send me the points book so I can do it too. I lived off of baked potatoes when I did it and I was often outside skipping with a skipping rope so I could have extra points to eat...


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