Sunday, November 8, 2009

Distant Dreamer

I normally don't remember my dreams, but I remember last night's--most of it, anyway.

I was in an airplane with Stuart and Danielle, I think. The plane landed, but instead of slowing down once we hit the ground, it started accelerating. Pretty soon, the plane was off the runway and speeding along the grass. Meanwhile, rather than fear for our lives, my siblings and I were wandering around the plane, peeking out windows, feeling more excited than scared. To avoid crashing and dying in a raging inferno, the pilot took off again until he could figure out what was wrong with the plane. It was a really shaky takeoff: the plane was wobbling back and forth, and we flew low for a while, nearly getting tangled in some telephone wires, which, if you ask me, were a little too close to the airport in the first place. I vaguely remember something about parachutes. Maybe the pilot was about to abandon us or something.

That was it.

I always seem to wake up from my dreams right before imminent death. Just saying.

Just for fun, I Googled "dream meanings" and tried to interpret my dream with All the "symbols" in my dream seem to point to high goals. At the same time, however, being in danger signifies "substantial losses in business and discouraging prospects in love" and that I need to be more careful. Parachutes mean it's time to "bail out of a situation." So I think my dream means that I am going to bail out of Rexburg in April (am I obsessed with graduating or what?) and follow my dreams. I'll just ignore the being in danger part.

Enjoy "Distant Dreamer" by Duffy:


Danielle said...

Thank you for making me a part of your dreams. Haha

Megan said...

You know what's interesting is that on, it says that the presence of family in your dreams symbolizes comfort. But if you look up "siblings," it says that if you dream about siblings, then you have some sort of rivalry or something that needs to be worked out between the two of you. So I don't know if I should feel comforted, or if I should ask you if you have a bone to pick with me.


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