Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Questions, No Answers

Sometimes I feel sick to my stomach when I think about the future. Am I the only one? I just get scared. How am I supposed to take care of myself? How am I supposed to find a real job? Am I really good enough to write professionally? Do I even want to write professionally? What am I going to write? Who am I going to write for? Where am I supposed to go? I've been going to school my entire life, and I've BS'd my way through a good portion of it. 141 days till graduation, and I don't feel prepared at all.

I miss summer and feeling like I'm part of something:

I hate being cold.

I have a zit forming just under my bottom lip.

Craigo's is having a $5.49 pizza buffet tonight. Nothing like smothering your worries with savory tomato sauce and artery-clogging cheese! You in?


Laura said...

You're officially becoming an adult. Once you've graduated and moved out of the nest you're parents are going to be your peers. It is scary.

There's a lot to hold you back but there's also a lot you're going to achieve if you let yourself. You're going to be in a place where you can make your dreams come true. It's a really exciting time!

Right now you're probably confused because you have so much to think about but only you know what you really want to do with your life. You'll battle between what you think you should do and what you'd like to do. Make a list. You can achieve both. Usually what you should do is going to put you in a place where you can do what you want to do. It's the same road on the journey.

The world really is your oyster right now.

Megan said...

How did you become so wise? You always help me see things rationally.

Laura said...

You already knew all that stuff. I just helped you straighten it out. It's a gift.

Megan said...

Thank you kindly.


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